Julius Sellgren

UX/UI/Game Designer

Sprint Till Aci

Unique procedural generated runner with four different characters with their own characteristics.

Julius Sellgren

My Roles

- Programmer
- Level designer
- Environmental mechanic designer


- Engine: Unity
- Language: C#
- Platform: PC
- Development time: 4 weeks
- Team size: 7

Notable Tasks

- Innovative mechanics
- Level design
- Procedural generated levels
- Custom tool developer

Game mechanics

Image 1

Shake Effect

Image 2

Camera Effect

Image 3

Reversed Controls

In the development of spring till ACI four characters were in a hurry to get to the convenience store In the development of spring, till ACI four characters were in a hurry to get to the convenience store before it closed for the day, the player meets Göran, Margit, and Macke in this runner game. The player has two minutes to pass the level in this journey, dodge various obstacles, dodge power-downs, and gather power-ups to make it before the timer has passed. The level design and the assets in the scene were influenced by Stockholm.

What did I learn from the Sprint till Aci project?

This was my first game project which means that I learned and grow alot as a game developer in this project. I learned the role of sound effects, different and unique game mechanics and what role it plays in this was my first game project which means that I learned and grow a lot as a game developer in this project. I learned the role of sound effects, different and unique game mechanics, and what role it plays in the enjoyment of the player in the game. As a basic idea, Spring till ACI is very simple with a procedural generated level with constraints but the enjoyment comes from its simplicity, game mechanics, and the brutal nature of the sound effects and other feedback systems. But the most important thing I learned from this project is how good it feels to produce a product that is appreciated by player feedback. And this feeling is something which will always be in my backpack.