Julius Sellgren

UX/UI/Game Designer

Memoa UX Case Study

Memoa is a sustainable fashion platform that offers online clothing repair services, promoting longer garment lifespans. This project was created during the Interactive and User Experience Design Master’s program at Södertörn University in collaboration with Marcus Sandberg, the visionary behind Memoa. The aim was to design a mobile-optimized platform that shifts the traditional physical repair process to a transparent, trustworthy online service.

Julius Sellgren

My Role & Tools

  • Role: Research Lead, Scrum Master, Figma Wireframing
  • Team Size: 4 designers
  • Key Tools: Figma, Semi-structured Interviews, Workshops, UX Competitive Analysis

Problem Statement

How might we design a service that builds trust and transparency to replace the physical experience of repairing clothes with an online solution?

Research & Insights

Our research focused on understanding user behavior around clothing repair and addressing barriers such as trust and transparency in an online service. We used the following methods:

Stakeholder Workshop

We conducted a workshop to clarify Memoa’s vision, emphasizing the need for a transparent and trustworthy user experience.

Semi-Structured Interviews

Participants: Five participants aged 23-29, all familiar with sustainable fashion.

Key Insights: Users valued transparency about the repair process, price, and time. Trust was critical, particularly for items of sentimental value.

Personas & User Journey Maps

Persona Billie

Billie Persona Click to enlarge
Billie Journey Map Click to enlarge

Persona Lou

Lou Persona Click to enlarge
Lou Journey Map Click to enlarge

Competitive Analysis

We compared Memoa to services like Patagonia and Clothes Doctor, identifying gaps in competitor transparency regarding the repair process. Memoa aimed to address these shortcomings by providing clearer communication, service reviews, and examples of past work.

Design Process

Ideation & Sketching

Ideation and Sketching Press to enlarge

Using the insights from interviews and workshops, we brainstormed features necessary for a smooth user experience. Each team member sketched concepts for the core features, focusing on simplifying the repair request process.

Pain Points & Design Solutions

Prototype Iterations

First Iteration - Medium Fidelity

Medium Fidelity Prototype Press to enlarge

We developed a medium-fidelity prototype in Figma, focusing on content structure and user flow. Feedback from the stakeholder helped refine the repair request form and the photo-upload process.

Second Iteration - High Fidelity

Following usability testing with two participants aged 23 and 24, we made key improvements:

Final Prototype

The final prototype includes a polished user interface designed to foster transparency and trust:

Landing Page GIF Click to enlarge

Landing Page: Clear introduction to Memoa’s mission, featuring testimonials and work examples to build trust.

Quick Guide GIF Click to enlarge

Quick Guide: A concise walkthrough explaining the repair process.

Repair Request GIF Click to enlarge

Repair Request: Step-by-step form with an input guide to ensure clarity.